

First statement: my home is far away.  My experience as a stage director this time was (and still is) extremely personal. Karl Rossmann’s story is the story of a foreigner. Being a foreigner is not only longing for your mother tongue. That could be the peak of the iceberg. For those who are in their homeland Nature always agrees with their emotions: a blue sky in your city can fill your heart with warmness and happiness. But for a foreigner a blue sky could be a tempest. To be a foreigner is to become an outsider: even Nature will not reflect your inner feelings, even Nature will ignore you. My story is not as sad as Karl’s: my experience of directing Amerika was my own Bildungsroman.
Alejandro Tantanian

  • Amerika
    From Franz Kafka’s America
    Scenic version by Alejandro Tantanian with the collaboration of Miriam Tessmar

  • with
    Karl 1, Peter Pearce
    Peter Pearce

  • Karl 2, Diego Velázquez
    Diego Velázquez

  • Johanna Brummer, Klara 2, Therese, Silja von Kriegstein
    Silja von Kriegstein

  • Karls Mutter, Oberköchin, Thereses Mutter, Brunelda, Ragna Pitoll
    Ragna Pitoll

  • Karls Vater, Onkel Jakob, Oberportier, Michael Fuchs
    Michael Fuchs

  • Klara 1, Robinson, Oberkellner 1, K., Thorsten Danner
    Thorsten Danner

  • Delamarche, Oberkellner 2, Tim Egloff
    Tim Egloff

  • Songs chosen by
    Thorsten Danner, Tim Egloff, Michael Fuchs, Silja von Kriegstein, Peter Pearce, Ragna Pitoll, Alejandro Tantanian y Diego Velázquez

  • Video production
    Ali Badakhshan Rad

    Nicolas Reiser
  • Video installation

    Emilio Bustamante
  • Stage manager
    Richard Albrecht

  • Director assistant
    Boris C. Motzki

  • Dramaturgy
    Miriam Tessmar

  • Choreography and dance training
    Diego Velázquez

  • Lights
    Wolfgang Schade

  • Video
    Marc Reisner

  • Set and costumes
    Oria Puppo

  • Direction
    Alejandro Tantanian

  • With the support from Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Running time: 90 minutes.
    Premiere: April 25th. 2009, Schauspielhaus, Nationaltheater Mannheim, Germany

  • Further representations:
    Season 2010 at the same theatre